
Shiv is the name of a little boy that change my life and gave me perspective. Shiv and his twin sister Siya came to my life unexpectedly. I was supposed to just take care of them four hours a day, four days a week but life gave me the gift of caring beyond just 'babysitting' them. 
Siya is a spoken minded little girl, tough on the outside and demanding but with a heart bigger than she is willing to admit. She is outspoken and she will likely tell you her true feelings on the spot, but eventually she comes around and gives you the tightest hugs.
Shiv instead, is sweet, kind and very emotional  but stronger than he can imagine. He loves blindly and once he is comfortable enough he will love you and make you his best friend for a day, he is willing to show his vulnerability with no fear, and also is capable put his fears aside to protect you from your own. 
The reason I decided to name Blue Matcha honoring Shiv is because just like the Butterfly Pea Flower has a tremendous amounts of health benefits, he brought light to my life and my well being. 
One of the best things that happened in my 2021 was meeting these two little humans that randomly changed my life for the better and taught me how unconditional love can come into your life without expecting anything in return. 
Serendipity I guess it's what they call it. 
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